Monthly Archives: June 2013

Party in Blue Rock Springs Park!

Annual Vallejo Watershed Alliance BBQ at Blue Rock Springs Park.

Annual Vallejo Watershed Alliance BBQ at Blue Rock Springs Park.

Every year, Alliance volunteers gather to celebrate the work of the year. This year, the annual party will take place on Saturday, July 20 at Blue Rock Springs Park. Those who want to spend an easy morning picking up trash around the lake can come at 9 a.m.; but if you just want to come for a burger at 11:00, we’d love to see you. This is your party! If you’re planning to come early for the lake cleanup, wear comfortable clothes, sturdy shoes, hat, gloves and sunscreen. Everyone welcome. Lunch is free, but PLEASE RSVP to 644-8949 ext. 292 or email so we know how much food to prepare.