Saturday, January 15, 2022 9 a.m. to Noon
Work continues on the major habitat restoration project at Lake Dalwigk … and we’d love your help! For this portion of the project, we will be supporting the newly-planted trees, planting native grass plugs if possible, and removing trash from the lake.
Wear comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes, hat, sunscreen and gloves. We will provide all the necessary tools, as well as refreshments. Park on Fifth Street (at the Lemon St. end), near Lake Dalwigk Park. Walk down steps into park. Please RSVP to Info@VallejoWatershedAlliance.org or call (707) 652-7812.
PUBLIC INPUT OPPORTUNITY! The City of Vallejo, GVRD, Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District, Vallejo Watershed Alliance, and the Solano Resource Conservation District are preparing a grant application to beautify and improve Lake Dalwigk Park and the surrounding area. The objective of the proposed project is to improve access and the amenities of the park, such as path improvements, lighting, dog waste and water stations, etc. We would love your input! We’ll have surveys and information available at this event. If you cannot attend, please fill out the survey online. Thank you!