The Vallejo Watershed Alliance is filled with folks dedicated to enhancing our waterways and engaging people of all ages in outdoor education. Recently, the Solano Resource Conservation District (a long-time and deeply valued partner) announced new distance learning resources for teachers and caregivers.
The free resources include engaging, interactive videos featuring Solano RCD educators exploring nature as they shelter at home, virtual classroom visits, worksheets, and links to other meaningful activities. Details are available at SolanoRCD.org, on the Solano RCD’s website, under Projects/Programs and then Distance Learning.
Also offered are weekly online lessons called “Watershed Wednesdays.” During these virtual sessions, students can engage with Solano RCD staff and other Solano County students while learning about watersheds, how to think like a scientist, and the world of tiny freshwater animals. Although the online events are available to any Solano County student, the content will be geared towards upper elementary through lower high school grade levels. Registration is required to access the May 6, 13, 20, and 27 events but registration only needs to be completed once at SolanoRCD.org. The program is funded in Vallejo by the Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District (another VWA partner) and the City of Vallejo Water Conservation Program.