The weather is incredible, and it’s a great time to get outside. This month, the Watershed Alliance is offering a couple of volunteer opportunities, including our first get-together since this crazy COVID thing started. We will still host DIY Cleanups, but we’re also teaming up with the North Bay Ploggers for a safe cleanup along the waterfront. Here are the details:
Saturday, November 21 at 9:00 a.m. Meet us at the north end of the Ferry Building/Front Room parking lot on Mare Island Way. We’ll spread out and cover the waterfront for this cleanup. Wear closed-toe shoes, comfortable clothing, mask, hat, sunscreen and gloves. Bring a trash picker if you have one. We’ll provide supplies, sanitizer, snacks and water.
All Month We are focusing this month’s DIY Cleanups on Hanns Park and Delta Meadows Park. You pick the location, day and time of your cleanup and email Info@VallejoWatershedAlliance.org with the info. Need supplies? We can provide disposable gloves, trash bags, hand sanitizer, waiver and pickers, and we’ll be happy to drop them on your porch. Leave the filled trash bags next to the garbage cans at the park. Once your cleanup is complete, let us know how much trash was removed (# of bags filled + any other items that are too big for the bags, and how many people were there). We love photos – send us a couple of you in action! We will notify GVRD and they will dispose of the filled bags.
For all events, the rules of COVID still apply: Don’t do this if you feel ill or have a fever, face coverings are strongly recommended, keep at least 6 feet of social distance with people who aren’t in your household, and sneeze or cough into a tissue or your elbow.