For this year’s annual planning meeting, we are delighted to welcome Chris Rose from the Solano Resource Conservation District (RCD). Since our last successful partnership to restore habitat in the Blue Rock Springs Creek Corridor, the RCD has secured a grant from the California Coastal Conservancy to plant native vegetation around Lake Dalwigk. Chris will present an overview of the planned restoration work and we’ll discuss how best the Alliance can join in this important work. The presentation will take place from 9 to 10 a.m. After that, we will calendar activities for the next twelve months. Free refreshments and parking.
Members of the public are invited to come for the presentation only or stay for the entire meeting. The meeting will take place on Saturday, August 18, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Dan Foley Cultural Center, Vista Room, at 1499 North Camino Alto. To RSVP, call 707.652.7812 or email