Saturday, October 16 9 a.m. to Noon
Join us in a cleanup along Blue Rock Springs Creek in Vallejo! It’s a family-friendly event, open to all ages and abilities. Park at the Wardlaw Dog & Skate Park parking lot, then follow the path behind the dog park and cross the bridge. Wear comfortable clothes, sturdy shoes, hat, gloves and sunscreen. Bring a bucket and a refillable water bottle if you have them. We’ll provide tools, water and refreshments. See you there!
Additional Info: Participants under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult and have a waiver signed by parent or guardian. Waivers are available at VallejoWatershedAlliance.org, or email Info@VallejoWatershedAlliance.org.
To RSVP, call (707) 652-7812
or email Info@VallejoWatershedAlliance.org