Monthly Archives: June 2017

July Volunteer Opportunities

The Alliance has two great events in July:

Cleanup volunteers

On Sunday, July 9, from 9 a.m. to noon, we’re meeting in Dan Foley Park at the boat launch for a cleanup on Lake Chabot. We’ll be tackling both shoreline and the water itself, so feel free to bring a canoe or kayak if you’re going to be on the water. Otherwise, bring a bucket for the bank cleanup if you have one. Wear closed toe shoes, sturdy clothes, hat, sunscreen and gloves. This event is a partnership with the Alliance, Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District, Greater Vallejo Recreation District, Friends of Lake Chabot, Solano Sierra Club, and the Solano Resource Conservation District. BBQ for volunteers provided by the Solano Sierra Club. RSVP to or 707.373.1766.

Annual Vallejo Watershed Alliance BBQ at Blue Rock Springs Park.

On Saturday, July 15, from 9 a.m. to noon, we’ll be meeting at Blue Rock Springs Park for a cleanup of the lake and celebratory BBQ. Each year, the Alliance recognizes and thanks our volunteers with an easy morning in the park, followed by burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings. Join us for the cleanup or just for the BBQ at 11:00 … either way, you’ve earned it! RSVP to or 707.644.8949 ext. 292.