Monthly Archives: July 2022

Focus on Lake Dalwigk

Sarah McKibbin & Chris Rose, Solano Resource Conservation District, at Lake Dalwigk.
Photo by Doug Darling.

Saturday, August 20 at 9:00 a.m.

Dan Foley Cultural Center – Vista Room – 1461 N. Camino Alto

Significant improvements are coming to Lake Dalwigk, and the Vallejo Watershed Alliance and its partners will give a brief history of the lake and past/current improvement projects, then share what’s ahead for residents and volunteers. The City of Vallejo, Greater Vallejo Recreation District, Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District and the Solano Resource Conservation District worked together with Ghirardelli Associates to secure nearly $4.8 million from CalTrans to fund the project, which will include new restrooms, accessibility, path and culvert improvements, lighting, and more. Representatives from each of these agencies will be on hand to present their perspective and answer questions.

Show Me the Money

Navigating the complex world of habitat restoration funding in the Bay Area

In addition to the project overview and volunteer opportunities, we’ll also have a special presentation from Rebecca Schwartz-Lesberg, who will provide an overview of the major sources of public funding for habitat conservation and how to apply for them, including what makes an application stand out in a competitive grant program.

This program is free and open to the public; refreshments will be provided. For more information and to RSVP, email or call (707) 652-7812.